Miscellaneous of August
By Mitch on Friday, 10 August 2012, 15:36 - Misc - Permalink
Hi everybody,
I was out of the office, I didn'it have time to write anything relevant about our favorite subjects.
Here is an interresting article of The Economist (link will be dead after a while) about open-source software.
Seen on the newsletters I receive for vigilance, the recall of a defibrillator due to software failure: here on MHRA website and here on ANSM Website (in french).
For those who spent their vacation on Mars and haven't heard about Proteus ingestible biomedical sensor yet, have a look at this article. This is a double performance: technical with an ingestible sensor, and regulatory with clearance through the new "de novo" FDA process.
And to end with a bit of futurology, this new article of EMDT about the future of medtech.