Software in Medical Devices, by MD101 Consulting

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When the ANSM French Authority update their website without notice

To be software as a medical device or not to be.
That is the question.

And you rely on Competent Authorities to determine whether software is a medical device or not. For example, you have some practical examples on the ANSM website (google translate is my Friend): here is the lastest version.

And you wish you had a way to be noticed by the ANSM when the page changes. Hell no, no way.

Especially you wish you had been noticed when the ANSM change their mind on telesurveillance software: here is the previous version on if you want to compare with the latest.

Before: examples showing that communicating data, like tele follow-up is not a MD, with the invocation of expert function (found in MEDDEV 2.1/6 only for qualification of IVD, not MD) to exclude software without such function.
After: examples showing that tele surveillance is a MD (exit the expert function).

Arrgghh, This isn't Good Regulatory Practice.

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