Friday, 21 September 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 21 September 2012, 13:08 - Misc
The scenarists of Warner Bros have unlimited imagination when they create a new series!
H+ Digital Series is the story about a computer implant that connect people to the internet 24 hours - 7 days. It's like the google glasses, with no glasses. The digital overlay is supposed to be sent direcly to the brain by cerebral waves or the like...
In their will of mimicking the reality, they've created a fake website of the company that designed the implant: Hplus Nano Teoranta and even user testimonials in the teasers of the series!
Wow! Will they have a fake booth at the world congress of neurology? :-)
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Friday, 14 September 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 14 September 2012, 12:06 - Misc
In my previous post about Bugs, Software Risks and Software Failures, I explained the concepts of bugs, defects or anomalies, and the concept of software failure.
Let's continue now with Risks.
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Friday, 7 September 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 7 September 2012, 18:10 - Misc
A bug can lead to a software failure.
Having bugs is a risk.
Having a software failure is a risk.
A software failure is not necessarily a bug!
Do you follow me?
If not, let me give you some more explanations.
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Friday, 31 August 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 31 August 2012, 16:47 - Processes
Safety critical software always face the big freeze before certification.
This happens because watefall model is the prefered software development cycle for safety critical software. Thus you can't change anything if you're in qualification phase for certification.
To be more flexible, some smart people created the concept of continuous certification. The purpose of continuous certification is to apply the principles of agile methods to safety critical software development.
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Friday, 24 August 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 24 August 2012, 01:13 - Misc
I run this blog on a free platform, it is going to be full and I'll be soon unable to use it any more. I spent most of my time to port the blog on a new PAAS this week. I continue with the same blog engine (dotclear), to maintain the architecture and the URLs. It's very important to keep my google rank!
I should be able to release it in september, when all bugs are fixed.
One important thing happened this week: the ASEAN countries released a draft of ASEAN Medical Device Directive (AMDD), see here . This is a bit like the CE medical devices directive, with one set of regulations for many countries.
It gives me the opportunity to introduce the concept: Develop once, Certify anywhere
It means that, with the convergence of regulations, one set of documents is enough to create a technical file submitted in many countries. For example, data submitted to the EU authorities would be also submitted to the ASEAN member countries.
I'll post more details on this concept later on.
Post edited August 29th 2012:
Here is the new blog platform!
No big changes for you, only a new layout.
I let it run for one week in beta test to see if everything's ok.
The previous blog is still active, for backup: EDIT previous blog platform link removed, blog closed.
This blog is registered on technorati with code: W4S4GJXCQPTP
Friday, 17 August 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 17 August 2012, 17:33 - Templates
I've already posted a long list of templates on this blog. You can find them on the templates repository page.
There are templates for big projects, with one or more templates for every phase of a software development project. And there is the all-in-one template for very simple projects. This list lacks templates for simple projects that deserve more than a single document.
Here are the three templates:
- Software Development Management
- Software Specifications and Conception
- Software Verification and Tests
The advantage of this list is to have multiple specification conception and tests phases. The management template is filled at the beginning of the project. The Specification and Conception template is filled and updated each time these artifacts change. And the tests template is filled during each tests phase.
They fit simple to middle size projects:
- Project timeline of 1 year
- Team of 4 developers
- Simple architecture (standalone or client-server)
They don't contain the risk management data. They shall remain in the dedicated templates: Risk management plan and risk analysis report.
More templates on my templates repository page.
Please, feel free to give me feedback on my e-mail
I share this template with the conditions of CC-BY-NC-ND license.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 France License.
Friday, 10 August 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 10 August 2012, 15:36 - Misc
Hi everybody,
I was out of the office, I didn'it have time to write anything relevant about our favorite subjects.
Here is an interresting article of The Economist (link will be dead after a while) about open-source software.
Seen on the newsletters I receive for vigilance, the recall of a defibrillator due to software failure: here on MHRA website and here on ANSM Website (in french).
For those who spent their vacation on Mars and haven't heard about Proteus ingestible biomedical sensor yet, have a look at this article. This is a double performance: technical with an ingestible sensor, and regulatory with clearance through the new "de novo" FDA process.
And to end with a bit of futurology, this new article of EMDT about the future of medtech.
Friday, 3 August 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 3 August 2012, 22:01 - Templates
All templates I have written are listed in my templates repository page. I already explained in that page and some other articles how to use them with waterfall development process.
But their use is not obvious with agile methods. Here are a few explanations.
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Friday, 27 July 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 27 July 2012, 18:36 - Templates
Here is a new template: the all-in-one template for software development process.
It is made for simple software development project where everything can be put in only one document. Especially, there is room for only one verification phase in the template. this is a deliberate situation. If you plan to have more than a single phase of verification, you should use other templates (link on template repository page below at the end of this post).
It contains simple and reduced parts of:
- Project management plan,
- Software Requirements Specifications,
- System Architecture Document,
- Software Tests Plan, Description and Report.
It doesn't contain the risk management data. They shall remain in the dedicated templates: Risk management plan and Risk analysis report.
More templates on my templates repository page.
Please, feel free to give me feedback on my e-mail
I share this template with the conditions of CC-BY-NC-ND license.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 France License.
Friday, 20 July 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 20 July 2012, 18:05 - Templates
Perhaps some of you who download my templates wonder how I managed to write them or where they come from.
This is a long story. Once upon a time in 1940’s, Bell Labs scientists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Schockley invented the transistor.
Well, huh, not so long!
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Friday, 13 July 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 13 July 2012, 15:04 - Misc
Happtique, an appstore for mobile medical devices has drafted an
App Certification Program.
This not a program or a process but a list of functional and non functional
requirements that mobile health apps should respect to be certified - according
to Happtique. It' a bit like the requirements of Apple to be authorized to
place an app in the Apple Store. Happtique publishes your app on its store if
you are compliant with its certification program.
There is a lot of work behind this document, and a lot of knowledge. However I
don't think this is enough to make a certification program. This document
focuses on the results, whereas all software development standards focus on the
processes. FDA focuses also on the processes when its auditors verify
compliance to 21.CFR.
In the scale of precedence of documents, I would put it here:
- Legal (choose your country): 21.CFR, 92/42 EEC (essential requirements),
- Medical devices general standards ISO 13485 and ISO 14971
- Software development standards: IEC 62304, IEC 60601-1, and the like
- Guidances: GPSV, IEC/TR 80002-1, ISO/TS 14969
- Generic functional and non functional requirements: Happtique App
Certification Program.
It's obvious that Happtique wants to make some noise with its certification
program (and it has reached his goal, you're reading this post). But I have to
recognize that this document contains a big source of information for software
requirements. The content of this certification program is a perfect source of
ideas to write a software requirements specification (SRS).
The world of mHealth is moving fast. In the same kind of article, I have found
Barbarians at the Medtech Gates, this article is a good summary of
antagonist forces at stake. On the one hand, the regulators and their, so
called, ante-Flood rules. On the other hand, the software industry with its new
world of mHealth. Guess who's going to have the last word? If, like me, you
don't have the answer, continue to apply the standards and regulations...
Friday, 6 July 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 6 July 2012, 13:17 - Processes
Are agile methods compatible with the constraints of development set by IEC
62304 standard of class C software?
After a
series of three posts about agile methods and risks analysis. I focus in
this post on IEC 62304 class C critical software.
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Saturday, 30 June 2012
By Mitch on Saturday, 30 June 2012, 10:13 - Misc
After a long series of posts about agile methods, let's continue with
something less serious!
If you saw Prometheus, the sci-fi movie about a team of astronauts who search
for human origins, you were probably amazed by the Weyland Corp Medical Pod
720i. Like me.
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Saturday, 23 June 2012
By Mitch on Saturday, 23 June 2012, 16:40 - Processes
We've seen in my last post that it's possible to have agile development methods combined with a risk management process. To be compliant with ISO 14971 standard, a risk management plan that describes this process along iterations, has to be written. And a risk assessment report has to be created in iteration 0 and updated in every iteration, by following the risk management process like the one found in figure 1 or figure B.1 of ISO 14971 standard.
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Sunday, 17 June 2012
By Mitch on Sunday, 17 June 2012, 18:29 - Processes
This post is the continuation of the post of last week.
We've seen in that post that fixing bugs during software maintenance is like a small chunk of design, excepted that software specifications do not change. Therefore risk management process when fixing bugs is very close to risk management process during design, without the initial assessment of risks at the beginning of the software development cycle.
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Saturday, 9 June 2012
By Mitch on Saturday, 9 June 2012, 16:45 - Processes
This post comes after a series of three posts where I exposed my thoughts about development of software medical devices with agile methods.
These posts were focussed on software development. Risk management deserves its own series of posts. Here is the first of three.
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Saturday, 2 June 2012
By Mitch on Saturday, 2 June 2012, 09:45 - Processes
In my previous post, I explained how to adapt agile methods to IEC 62304. I finish this series of 3 posts with some advices about the organization of an iteration and the software development team.
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Wednesday, 16 May 2012
By Mitch on Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 17:15 - Processes
In my previous post, I explained how I tweaked the waterfall model to obtain something close to agile methods. But still not agile, actually...
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Saturday, 12 May 2012
By Mitch on Saturday, 12 May 2012, 20:55 - Processes
IEC 62304 is the standard to apply for software in medical devices. It is not bound to any software development method or model. Though not explicit, using the waterfall development model is the most straighforward way to apply this standard.
The waterfall model has become old fashioned to the eyes of most of software developers, with the emergence of agile methods. Agile methods are so popular now that everydody wonders how to apply IEC 62304 with agile methods.
An AAMI/CDV-1 TIR(SW1) - Guidance on the use of agile practices in the development of medical device software exists about this subject. But it is still a draft and only members of AAMI have access to it.
So, how to use agile methods and still be compliant with IEC 62304?
Here are my thoughts about these questionings!
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Friday, 11 May 2012
By Mitch on Friday, 11 May 2012, 19:23 - Standards
Reading the ISO 13485 standard doesn't helped me knowing how to manage the lifecycle of software medical devices. The QMS of a software company has to be adapted to be in conformity with ISO 13485.
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