Software in Medical Devices, by MD101 Consulting

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Friday, 1 July 2016

How to validate software development tools like Jira or Redmine?

Following the discussion on ISO/TR 80002-2 and AAMI TRI 36 in the previous article, here are some tips on how to validate workflow and data management software like Jira or Redmine.

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Friday, 8 April 2016

IEC 82304-1 - Consequences on agile software development processes

Continuing our series about IEC 82304-1, let's see the consequences of this standard on agile software development processes.

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Friday, 11 March 2016

IEC 82304-1 - Overview of requirements

We had in a previous article an overview of IEC 82304-1 Health software -- Part 1: General requirements for product safety, its scope and its relationships with other standards like IEC 62304.
This article presents more in details (but not too much, we're not going to rephrase the standard) the requirements of IEC 82304-1.

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Friday, 15 January 2016

IEC 82304-1 - latest news about the standard on Health Software

IEC 82304-1 Health software -- Part 1: General requirements for product safety standard is still under development. Its status is visible on the page of ISO website, dedicated to IEC 82304-1. There is even a preview of the first three pages of this draft standard.

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Friday, 28 August 2015

Validation of software used in production and QMS - Part 3 Validation Protocol and Reports

We continue this series on validation of software used in production and QMS with the Validation Protocol and Reports.

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Friday, 24 July 2015

Validation of software used in production and QMS - Part 2 Validation Master Plan

We continue this series on validation of software used in production and QMS with the Validation Master Plan (VMP).
Better than endless explanations, I added a Validation Master Plan template to my templates repository page.

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Friday, 3 October 2014

Content of DHF, DMR and DHR for medical device software - Part 1 DHF

After a temporary absence, I'm back on the waves with a new series of articles to talk about the files required by the 21 CFR 820 regulations:

  • DHF: Design History File,
  • DMR: Device Master Record,
  • DHR: Device History Record.

Let's begin with the DHF.

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Friday, 27 June 2014

ISO/DIS 13485:2014 strengthens requirements about software - Part 2

Continuing with ISO/DIS 13485:2014, after having made an overview of software-related changes in the last article, let's focus on the new clause #4.1.6.

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Friday, 14 March 2014

Validation of compiler and IDE - Why, when and how to? - Part 1

Validating the compiler used in software development is a recurring issue. To what extent a compiler should be validated, when, how and why?
In the same vein, we can extend the question of validation to all tools used in the software development environment: integrated development environment, configuration management tools, compiler (and linker), automated test tools.

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Friday, 27 September 2013

Want to post a medical App on Apple Store? Things get harder!

Apple now asking app developers to provide sources of medical information says web site.

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Friday, 8 March 2013

How to bring legacy software into line with IEC 62304? - part 3

We've seen in the two previous posts several solutions on how to treat legacy software according to IEC 62304.
But there is nothing equivalent to this discussion in IEC 62304. The standard is silent about these situations.

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Friday, 14 December 2012

En route to Software Verification: one goal, many methods - part 3

In my last post, I explained the benefits of static analysis. This software verification method is mainly relevant to find bugs in mission critical software. But it fits the need of bug-free software for less critical software as well.
Static analysis can be seen as an achievement in the implementation of software verification methods. Yet, other methods exists that fit very specific purposes.

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Friday, 7 December 2012

En route to Software Verification: one goal, many methods - part 2

In my last article, I talked about the most classical methods used to verify software: human testing (driven by test cases or not) and unit tests. I was about to talk about static analysis, that I place at a higher level of complexity in the list of verification methods, but I have to say a bit more about unit tests.

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Friday, 30 November 2012

En route to Software Verification: one goal, many methods - part 1

Software verification is easy to define: to demonstrate that software works as it was specified (and without bugs!). But there's not a unique way to do it.
Let's see what methods we have in hands to verify software.

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Friday, 23 November 2012

New GHTF essential principles: software validation added!

The Global Harmonization Task Force released an update of their guidance on Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices. It supersedes the last version released in 2005.

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Friday, 16 November 2012

V&V: verification & validation, doing it right.

Writing about V&V in two previous posts, I had a lot of comments from people on a well-known social network. They made corrections to my view of V&V and brought their own definitions.
Here is an excerpt of their comments.

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Friday, 2 November 2012

What is software validation?

Following the article about software verification, let's see what software validation is.

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Friday, 26 October 2012

What is software verification?

Many people make the confusion between verification and validation. There is no exception for software! I'd even say that the confusion is even worse for standalone software.

Let's see first the definition of verification and validation. I borrowed these definitions from the FDA website:

  • Verification is confirming that design output meets the design input requirements,
  • Validation is ensuring that the device conforms to defined user needs and intended uses.

OK, this remains theoretical. How to do that with software medical devices?
In this article I focus on verification and will focus on validation in the next article: What is software validation.

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Monday, 30 January 2012

New templates: Software Tests Plan, Software Tests Description and Software Tests Report

In Software-Requirements-Specifications, I put everything you need to deal with technical requirements of your software.

In Software-Detailed-Design, I put everything about the design description of packages and component inside software, their interfaces and their workflows.

In System Architecture Description, I put everything about the description of the whole architecture of system and software.

Now that we have enough templates to describe our software, let's see how to test it. How one can release software without thourougly testing it? Nobody, I think. This is the purpose of these 3 software tests templates.

Note: Test = Verification, I could have called those documents

  • Software Verification Plan,
  • Software Verification Description,
  • Software Verification Report.

The next one will be about delivery. Stay tuned, my list of templates is growing fast!

I gather all my templates on the templates page. You'll find them all there.

Please, feel free to give me feedback on my e-mail

I share this template with the conditions of CC-BY-NC-ND license.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 France License.